Improve Performance

Improve Performance

If you wanted to take supplements to improve performance but are overwhelmed by the amount of products that are available, here are my top 2 supplements that I recommend if you aren’t sure what to take. Whey Protein Protein is ESSENTIAL to change your body...
What Supplements Does Coach Bill Take?

What Supplements Does Coach Bill Take?

Here are a few questions that I get asked when I start working with someone new, or someone who is starting their health and fitness journey. “Should I be taking any supplements?” “Do you take supplements?” “What supplements do you...
This One’s For The Ladies

This One’s For The Ladies

Collagen Protein  Collagen is found in connective tissue, skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage. It provides structural support to tissues and plays important roles in cellular processes, including tissue repair immune response cellular communication cellular migration,...
This One’s For The Men

This One’s For The Men

TEST+ Advanced Male Hormone Support Are you male and over the age of 30? Did you know as men get older, their testosterone levels may decline about 1 percent per year after age 30.  I have been using TEST+ for under a year and the results speak for themselves....